Frittillary on Butterfly milkweed

We sell plants in the spring (March-June) and again in the fall (September-October.) Most of our perennials are grown from seed at our nursery. Tree and shrub seedlings are sourced from the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation’s Saratoga Tree Nursery. We have also obtained some plants from wholesalers NorthCreek, New Moon, Mid Atlantic Natives, and Hardscrabble Farms.

We grow and sell our plants in topsoil rather than potting mix. We find they do well and grow strong in regular soil. The majority of our plants spend six months to a year outside before being potted in CowPots or re-used plastic pots, and offered to you for sale. Because our plants are grown outdoors rather than in a greenhouse, they are ready to be replanted as soon as you buy them.

We are open for browsing during two in-person sales, one in the spring and the other in the fall. The rest of the season, customers can place orders through our online store (opening April 30) and schedule a pick-up time at the nursery (Cortlandt Manor, NY).

We close sales for July and August, and reopen in September for a fall season.

Online store is open Tuesday evening through Friday evening. We close it every weekend to update inventory.

            Plant List for the Season            

FORBS (broad-leaved flowering plants)

Allium cernuum - nodding onion

Amsonia hubrichtii - threadleaf bluestar

Amsonia tabernaemontana - Eastern bluestar

Asclepias incarnata - rose milkweed

Asclepias tuberosa - butterfly milkweed

Baptisia australis - blue false indigo

Baptisia australis var. minor - dwarf blue false indigo

Blephilia hirsuta - hairy wood mint

Chrysogonum virginiana - green-and-gold

Conoclinium coelestinum - blue mistflower

Coreopsis lanceolata - lance-leaved coreopsis

Doellengeria umbellata - flat topped aster

Echinacea purpurea - purple coneflower

Erigeron pulchellus - Robin’s plantain

Eurybia divaricata - white wood aster

Fragaria virginiana - wild strawberry

Geranium maculatum - wild geranium

Helianthus angustifolius - narrow-leaved sunflower

Helianthus divaricatus - woodland sunflower

Helianthus mollis - downy sunflower

Heuchera americana “Dale’s strain” - coral bells

Heuchera villosa “autumn bride” - alumroot

Hibiscus laevis - rose mallow

Iris cristata - crested iris

Liatris spicata - blazing star

Lobelia syphilitica - great blue lobelia

Monarda bradburiana - horsemint. Bradbury’s monarda

Monarda didyma - scarlet bee balm

Monarda fistulosa - wild bergamot

Packera aurea - golden ragwort

Parthenium integrifolium - wild quinine

Parthenocissus quinquefolium - Virginia creeper

Penstemon calycosus - calico beardtongue

Penstemon digitalis - smooth white beardtongue

Penstemon hirsutus - hairy beardtongue

Phlox divaricata - blue wood phlox

Physostegia virginiana - obedient plant

Prunella vulgaris - self-heal

Pycnanthemum muticum - broad-leaved mountin mint

Pycnanthemum virginianum - Virginia mountain mint

Rudbeckia fulgida - orange coneflower

Rudbeckia subtomentosa - sweet black-eyed Susan

Rudbeckia triloba - brown-eyed Susan

Ruellia humilis - prairie petunia

Scutellaria incana - hoary skullcap

Sedum ternatum - wild woodland stonecrop

Solidago bicolor - silverrod

Solidago caesia - blue-stemmed goldenrod

Solidago flexicaulis - zigzag goldenrod

Solidago nemoralis - gray goldenrod

Solidago rigidum - stiff goldenrod

Solidago speciosa - showy goldenrod

Symphyotrichum cordifolium - blue wood aster

Symphyotrichum ericoides - heath aster

Symphyotrichum laeve - smooth blue aster

Symphyotrichum oolentangiensis - sky-blue aster

Symphyotrichum novae-angliae - New England aster

Symphyotrichum pilosum - frost aster

Tiarella cordifolia - foamflower

Tradescantia virginiana - Virginia spiderwort

Verbena hastata - blue vervain

Verbena stricta - hoary vervain

Zizia aurea - golden Alexanders


Andropogon gerardii - big bluestem

Carex appalachica - Appalachian sedge

Carex bicknellii - Bicknell’s sedge

Carex brevior - shortbeak sedge

Carex cherokeensis - Cherokee sedge

Carex flaccosperma - blue wood sedge

Carex radiata - Eastern star sedge

Diarrhena obovata - beak grass

Dichanthelium clandestinum - deertongue grass

Panicum virgatum - switchgrass

Sporobolus heterolepis - prairie dropseed

Schyzachirium scoparium - little bluestem

Sorgastrum nutans - Indian grass


Dryopteris marginalis - marginal wood fern

Onoclea sensibilis - sensitive fern

Osmunda cinnemonea - cinnamon fern

Osmunda claytoniana - interrupted fern

Osmunda regalis - royal fern

Polystichum acrostichoides - Christmas fern

Thelypteris noveboracensis - New York fern


Aronia melanocarpa - black chokeberry

Betula nigra - river birch

Cornus amomum - silky dogwood

Hypericum kalmianum - Kalm’s St. John’s wort

Hypericum prolificum - shrubby St. John’s wort

Morella pensylvanica - bayberry

Physocarpus opulifolium - ninebark

Prunus maritima - beach plum

Prunus pumila - sand cherry

Prunus serotina - black cherry

Rosa virginiana - Virginia rose

Salix discolor - pussy willow

Viburnum lentago - nannyberry

Viburnum opulus var. americanum - American cranberry viburnum